Selasa, 13 September 2016

Benefits of Sex

Benefits of Sex
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Benefits of Sex - Making love is the spice mandatory that you and your partner relationship is more enjoyable and colorful. It turned out that sexual intercourse can also bring many benefits mentally and emotionally.

Benefits of Sex

Reduce Stress

Research says there are several ways to reduce stress. One study found that people who have sexual intercourse on a regular basis for two weeks had lower stress levels were assessed based on blood pressure. Besides lovemaking can also release hormones such as endorphins and oxytocin that can calm the body and relieve stress.

Increase confidence

Sex and intimacy can be linked to one's confidence. Sex can make yourself feel better and increase your confidence in bed.

Have an effect such as antidepressants

Sex can also serve as an antidepressant because sex releases hormones like endorphins in the brain that can reduce depression and pain relief

Benefits of Sex Improving closeness with a partner
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Improving closeness with a partner

With sexual intercourse on a regular basis will make your relationship with your partner become closer and deeper. When making love, the hormone oxytocin is the hormone of love can increase a person's sense of love and increase the sense of trust. In contrast with the more intimate your relationship will result in better sex as well.

Improve Mood

Endorphin is one of the hormones known to increase a person's mood. When you make love, endorphins are naturally released, so you will have a very good mood.

Increase libido

According to Lauren Streicher, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, shag make sexual life for the better and will increase libido. For women, having sex will give the effect on blood circulation and elasticity in the vaginal area. This then will be addictive.